Monday, 13 April 2015

Pomegranate Soda Drink

We kick start our juice week with Pomegranate Soda Drink. It is sweet & salty in taste and is perfect drink for summer season. In this I have used soda water to give it a little buzz but if you don’t want to make it with soda water than you can easily substitute it with plain water. Extremely healthy and yummy drink in this summer heat!!


1/2 Glass fresh pomegranate juice
1/2 glass soda water
1 tablespoon sugar syrup
4-6 mint leaves crushed
2 pinch salt
1/2 teaspoon black salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
4-5 chopped/small lemon pieces
3-4 Ice cubes


1.      Take a small size bowl and add sugar syrup, salt, lemon cubes and crushed mint leaves and keep them aside for 10 minutes.
2.      Now take fresh pomegranate juice and soda water and mix it properly.
3.      After take a tall glass and mix all the above things together and put ice cubes.
4.      Now your Pomegranate Soda Drink is ready to serve.

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